construction no. 10
construction no. 10 is an interactive sound sculpture, that can be induced by various techniques like beating, scratching or stroking. The produced vibrations are transduced by hidden sensors and processed in a more or less perceptibly way. Over speakers , the visitor can hear a reproduction of the sound in real-time. Thereby the sculpture represents a music instrument, which invites people to explore and improvise with the inherent sound of the material. Besides the audible aspect, the activities from the sculpture are simultaneously visualized on the BIX Media Facade of the Kunsthaus Graz. The resulting light show reacts to the stimulation and incites to increase the intensity of the physical actions on the material.
The sculpture has first been presented at the Kunsthaus Graz on September 28th 2013 as part of the festivities to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the museum. construction no. 10 was build as cooperation between Harald Günter Kainer, Marco Wenegger and Matthias Esterl. It was a project of wirbrennen..
Making of: construction no. 10